Wednesday, February 26, 2014

January 2014

PTT Meeting Minutes January 2014

Those in attendance: Melisa Johnson, Marcia Shultz, Karyn Costello, Adrienne Kume, Erin Cordle, JoAnn Yonemua, Debbie Jensen, Jonie Debedy, Chari Engberg, Dawn Young and Rachel Nye

1. Dawn Young calls meeting to order. She is filling in for April Nulman, President. Dawn goes over the guidelines.

2. Secretary, Rachel Nye, presents the minutes and they are approved.

3. Treasurer report – Families in Need Bingo had a lot of money left over with about $1000.00 total. The rest of the money in past years has been put back into the general fund but still allotted to families in need in the budget. It was discussed heavily that these funds should specifically have a separate bank account. This needs to be discussed at the PTT board meeting and reported back for February on what is decided.

* Art night has a budget of 400 and Dawn reviews the BBQ budget quickly.

4. Review of Bingo night – A lot of prizes were put into the cupboard and were returned by Allyson Hodam. Not as high of attendance as in past years but went well!

5. Art Night – 5:30-7, there will be art stations run where students can come in during conferences and do some fun and easy projects with their families. Erin is still looking at ideas for the stations. Erin reminded the teachers about the upcoming Art night via e-mail, to give them a heads up on the approaching deadline.  Bubble painting is one of the ideas.

6. Talent Show/Year Book – Adrienne and Erin have been talking about doing a talent show for the kids. Bob D. has been talking about it as well.

* Ideas for the yearbook – collect pictures from the teachers, cost 10-12 (what to do about students who can-not afford one has been an issue in past years and reason it was stopped? – budget??)

*Talent Show – During the day brings opportunities for all of the student body to see it and be supported by their peers. This can make it hard for working parents to attend. Karyn Costello will talk to bob to get more clarification about the date and details.

7. Volunteer hours – Karyn reports there has been 159 hours for the month (and that was WITH snow days J, and 879,total for the year!

8. Book fair – April 8-11 – Lindsey Burkhart, will be able to head it up and it will run before and after school. Lindsey will find volunteers J.

December 2013

Minutes for December 2, 2013  PTT Meeting

Those in attendance were: Rachel Nye, Erin Cordle, Debra Kauffman, Adrienne Kume, Char Engberg, Jonie Zebedy, Debbie Jensen, Dawn Young, Chaney  Sannan, Bob, Daugherty, Karyn Costello and April Nulman.

1.       April Nulman, PTT president calls meeting to order. Reviews meetings guidelines : Staying on topic, Stay positive, Be respectful,  and keep feedback respectful.

2.       Meetings and introductions go around the room.

3.       Rachel Nye presents Novembers minutes. They are approved.

4.       Allyson Hodam, PTT treasurer presents the budget.  She talks about budget for Bingo.

5.       Dawn young goes over volunteer needs in the school. Adrienne Kume is going to be the PTT BBQ Chair (YEAH!).

6.        Karyn Costello informs the meeting that there have been over 700 volunteers hours so far this year.  

7.       Bingo –

There are a lot of supplies in the closet.

Need decorations such as Christmas oriented.

Adrienne Kume agrees to lend her Christmas light collection to use the gym for Bingo Night.

We will arrive at 2:30 to help decorate for the evening.

Several gift-cards have been donated for the evening. PTT will be using up old donations from BBQ as door prizes.

Allyson will help Courtney pick up the pizza, cookies, hotdogs and candy for the evening.

The idea was brought up to sell Bingo droppers.

8.       Penny drive is doing well. The beavers versus ducks brought in almost 400.00! We will reward the individual with the most pennies brought in on the FIRST day, a 10.00 Yogurt extreme gift-card.

9.       We will change the date for next month’s meeting to January 13, 2014 at 6:30. The BBQ meeting will be before at 5:45. +

10.   Meeting adjourned.

November 2013

Periwinkle Elementary PTT Meeting November 2013

In Attendance: Harry and JoAnn Yonernya, Karyn Costello, April Nulman, Jenni Heinen, Courtney Gates Ellingson,  Allyson Hodam, Debbie Jensen, Dawn Young, Bob Daughtery, Jessica Villaneva, Karyn Mitchell, Ariela Myler and Rachel Nye.

1.     Meeting called to order by April Nulman. Introductions, review of minutes, approval of minutes, and treasurer report by Allyson Hodam and report approved.

2.     Movie Night did really well. Pixar’s “Monsters University” was shown and the PTT profited $129.00 - attendance was high.

3.     PTT Volunteer opportunities – Dawn went over that we need help with the Silent Auction, specifically sending out letters to businesses for donations. Cheri and Dawn have been working on it. 

The BBQ still needs a chair and Karyn Mitchell agreed to help Rachel Nye with Games for the BBQ.

4.     Cultural Diversity Night – Look for information to be coming home.

5.     Math Night - Look for information to be coming home.

6.     Karyn Costello reported 550 Volunteer hours. Awesome!

7.     Bingo – Courtney Gates reported that donations are coming in. We still need more donations and decorations.  Dawn will be e-mailing what we need still for job assignments.

8.     Veterans Day Parade – Bob went over possible items we could do with the kids. Kids will meet at Periwinkle and then be bused down to march.

9.     Next meeting 12/2/13 @6:30.


October 2013

Periwinkle Elementary PTT Meeting October 2013

In Attendance: Dina Dahl, Brittney Cellerini, Harry and JoAnn Yonernya, Kim Hiatt, Karyn Costello, April Nulman, Cari Hastings, Jennifer Zemba, Jennifer Matthews, Allyson Hodam, Debbie Jensen, Dawn Young, Bob Daughtery, Jessica Villaneva, Orlando Parillo S., and Rachel Nye.

1.     Meeting called to order by April Nulman. Introductions, review of minutes, approval of minutes, and treasurer report by Allyson Hodam and report approved.

2.     Fitness Fundraiser – Bob and Karyn Costello reported that it brought in more than $3000 for student activities – directly for students. It had a good turn-out for volunteers.  Zumba went especially well.

3.     eScrip- Those with Safeway cards are encouraged to register. Dawn passed out registration forms and a list of parents already signed up. A $25.00 gift card drawing was held for those who had already signed up. It brought in appox. $500.00 last year.

4.     Classroom Volunteers – If you are volunteering, please be courteous and remember to be quiet as to not disrupt the students learning. Sept = 240 volunteer hours.

5.     T-shirts – If parents are interested in helping fill T-shirt orders, please contact Dawn, or Kim.

6.     Movie Night – Supplies have been purchased. If more people want to help out, contact Kim Haitt. It will be November 1st at 6:00pm and we will be showing, Pixar’s “Monsters University.” Admission is free. Pizza, Nachos, candy, and Capris suns will be served. At the event we will be doing a drawing for the DVD.  Kids need to bring pillows, blankets and wear PJS.

7.     Volunteers – Needed for Bingo Night, 50/50 drawing, BBQ Silent Auction.

8.     Cultural Diversity Night – Look for information to be coming home.

9.     Math Night - Look for information to be coming home.

10.                        Sound system UPDATE – Sound has been inconsistent in the past. Sound guy came in and recommends new speakers. Cost for this, appox. $500.  Bob is asking $280 from PTT. Money will come out of Box-tops maybe? Vote – PASSED.

11.                        Next meeting 11/4/13 @6:30.

September 2013

Periwinkle Elementary PTT Meeting Sept 2013


In attendance: Rachel Nye, Donna Young, Scot Anderson, Allyson Hodam, Chari Engberg, Karyn Costello, Bob Daughtery, April Nulman, Dawn Young, Marcia Shultz, Sarah Tierce, Debbie Jensen, Autumn Helenihi, Adrienne Kume, Jenni Heinen, Erin Cordle, Michelle Slay and Jorie Debedy.

1.       Vice-president, April Nulman begins the meeting with introductions, reminder of meeting guidelines, and meeting called to order. (We met in the library).

2.       Dawn Young presents 2013-2014 budget.

-          We have a little over $8000.00

-          There is no fall fundraiser since we did decided not to do the entertainment book fundraiser

-          We motioned to approve the budget

3.       Marcia Shultz presented the audit for the 2012-2013 fiscal PTT years.

4.       Allyson Hodam was voted in as treasurer

5.       April Nulman motioned to have her position changed from Vice- President to President. All voted in favor.

6.       5th grade teacher, Scot Anderson, explains the 5th grade T-shirt fundraiser. We need new volunteers to help keeping this tradition going.

-          Kim H. And Autumn F. will take this over for this year.

7.       Karyn Costello talks about the fall fitness fundraiser. It will be from 2:15 – 3:00. She will be sending home volunteer forms for those who want to help out.

8.       Dawn Young does the drawing for the $25.00 gift card. The gift card is an incentive to get parents excited about the PTT –Dawn lists openings we need for the up and coming PTT events for the 2013-2114 year.

9.       Jenni Heinen – signs up to help out with the ice cream social

10.   Erin Cordle – signs up to help out with the 5th grade graduation

11.   Chari E.  – Staying to help with the Silent Auction (we need more people).

12.   Erin Cordle, April Nulman, and Rachel Nye volunteer to help out with Bingo Night in December. We still need a chair.

13.   Michelle Slay –signs up for “March Movie Night.”

14.   Michelle Slay – signs up for “Labels of Education.”

15.   Autumn H – Brings up busing issues and how to better our schools policies regarding security and contact with parents.

16.   Karyn Costello announces we will go back to Friday folders (YEAH!).


-          Meeting adjourned  until Oct 10/7/13 6:30    -

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Minutes February 4, 2013

Periwinkle Elementary PTT (Parents & Teachers Together) Meeting Minutes

February 4, 2013 @ 6:30pm

Attendees:  Bob Daugherty, Rachel Nye, Dawn Young, April Nulman, Donna Luden, Chari Engberg, Jenni Heinen, Cassy Cintron, Kim & Greg Hiatt, Kelsey Pairan

1.     Vice President, Rachel Nye -  After introductions and a reminder of meeting guidelines the meeting was called to order

2.     Secretary, Donna Luden - Presented meeting minutes from our last meeting on January 7th.  They were voted on and approved.

3.     Albany ATA Karate for Kids as follows presented their Karate & fundraising program as follows:

·       One month 30 day trial for 49.00 (includes free uniform for student to keep)

·       100% of the money goes to the PTT

 This will be decided on by Mr. Daugherty and will have more details at our next meeting


4.     Treasurer, Dawn Young – Our combined Checking & Savings Balance is $7,380.54 we have paid for the projector, and under budget! Movie night brought in $350.04 after expenses

5.     Committee Chairs Updates:

1.     Rachel Nye - Our next Movie Night will be Friday, March 15th and will be featuring the LORAX. We will be doing a food drive for the Linn County Food Bank. Admission will be $1.00, 1 canned food item or 10 box tops

2.     Reminder to teachers from Erin Cordle to please complete your art projects in advance so they can be displayed at Art Night. In addition, Rachel brought to our attention that we will need to acquire screen panels for Art Night.

3.     Science Night will be Thursday, February 21st from 6-7:30 pm. This is a great family event with minimal volunteer needs.  OSU Chemistry Club, Robotics Club, Forestry Association will be participating in this event. NO EGG DROP.  Will be postponed to BBQ

4.     Our first BBQ planning meeting will be held on February 19th at 6:30pm and they will be held here in the community room this year, no daycare will be provided.

·       Kelsey Pairan, 3rd grade teacher requested $237.50 (balance that is not covered by school student activities account) for a fieldtrip to OMSI.  Many students have never been.  It will be added as a line item to the budget and there will be an annual field trip for 3rd graders.  The request has been voted on and approved.

·       Donna Young, 2nd grade teacher is a 31 consultant (handbags, storage bags) is doing a “top seller items” fundraiser and wants to give all the proceeds to the school. More details to follow.

·       Papa’s Pizza fundraiser day on February 18th all day. Falls on President’s day and they give 50% of all proceeds back to the school.  They also allow the purchase of gift certificates to be included

·       I swim for kids will be Saturday, February 23 from 8-11 am.  Mr. Daugherty will be there handing out Root Beer Floats to all our students who participate.

                                                         - Meeting adjourned -                   


                         Our next meeting will be Monday, March 4, 2013 @ 6:30 pm

Monday, February 4, 2013

Minutes- January 7 2013

Periwinkle Elementary

PTT (Parents & Teachers Together) Meeting Minutes

January 7, 2013 @ 6:30pm


Attendees:  Bob Daugherty, Erin Cordle, Rachel Nye, Karyn Costello, Donna Young, Dawn Young, April Nulman, Donna Luden, Angeline Baker & Debbie Jensen

1.     President, Erin Cordle -  After introductions and a reminder of meeting guidelines the meeting was called to order

2.     Secretary, Donna Luden - Presented meeting minutes from our last meeting on December 3rd.  They were voted on and approved.

3.     Treasurer, Dawn Young – Our combined Checking & Savings Balance is $11,261.15 we still need to pay for the projector and why we have such a high balance at this time.

a.     Penny drive total: $961.00

b.     Bingo Night total: $1033.00

c.      50/50 total:    $828.00.

These fundraising efforts made it possible for the PTT to purchase (27) $50.00 gift cards and (2) $200.00 gift cards to families in need during this past holiday season.  Thank you everyone for your efforts and generous contributions that immediately made a difference within our Periwinkle community.

4.     Committee Chairs Updates:

a.     Our next Movie Night will be Friday, January 18th @ 6:30pm with doors opening at 6:00pm.  We will be featuring Brave and admission will be $1.00 or 10 Box Tops per person.  Happy to report that the new projector is installed J Rachel suggested that we do another canned food drive for our final movie night of the year.

b.     Science Night will be Thursday, February 21st from 6-7:30 pm. This is a great family event with minimal volunteer needs.  OSU Chemistry Club, Robotics Club, Forestry Association will be participating in this event. Albany Fire Department will be on-hand to assist with the Egg Drop

c.      Our first BBQ planning meeting will be held on January 22nd and they will be held here in the community room this year, no daycare will be provided.

d.     Angeline announced the launch of our 1st “Coffee hour”  This opportunity is being provided for parents that have little ones at home with them during the day, but would still like to help at our school. They will happen the first Friday of the month in the community room.  A translator will be on hand. This sounds like a great opportunity for parents to meet other parents as well J

                                                         - Meeting adjourned -                   


                         Our next meeting will be Monday, February 4, 2013 @ 6:30 pm