Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Minutes 11-29-2011

PTT (Parents & Teachers Together) Minutes
November 29, 2011
6:30pm to 7:30pm
Attendees: Erin Cordle, Adrienne Kume, Rachel Nye, April Nulma, Lacey Chapman, Dawn Young, Tibbe Braithwaite, Jenni Heinen, Christa Ames, Allison Wibbens, Karyn Costello, Elisa Stephens, and Cammy Greig
!. Presidents – Adrienne Kume & Erin Cordle
a. Call meeting to order
b. Welcome & Introductions
2. Secretary- Cammy Greig
a. Provide Nov. 4th Minutes
b. Minutes Approved by President & Vote
3. Treasurer- Dawn Young
a. Current Financial Report
$90 made on Pizza King Night (Owner gave $150)
$360 made so far on Penny Drive
4. Committee Chairs Update
a. Penny Drive- Class parties for winners scheduled for Thursday December 8th
b. Bingo Night- Come help decorate Wednesday December 7th at 2:30pm
c. Restaurant Night- Wacky Bounce Night Friday December 16th 5 to 7pm
d. T-shirt Sales- Thank you to all
e. Auction- Donations Needed. If you can help in any way please call the school.
5. No Old Business
6. No New Business
7. Wrap up - Next Meeting January 3rd at 6:30pm
8. Meeting Adjourned

Monday, November 7, 2011

MINUTES 11-01-2011

PTT Minutes
November 1, 2011
Attendees: Cammy Greig, Elisa Stephens, Lacey Chapmen, Erin Cordle, Adrienne Kume, Kim Hiatt, Jill North, Dawn Young, Michelle Eade, Christa Ames, Julie Jones, Rachel Nye, Peggy Lukins, and Jenni Heinen

1. Presidents- Adrienne Kume & Erin Cordle
A. Called meeting to order
2. Secretary- Cammy Greig
A. Provided minutes for October 4th
B. Presidents voted on and approved minutes
3. Treasurer- Dawn Young
A. Current Financial Report- Entertainment Books made approximately $3840.00
B. Brief summary of budget- Escrip needs people to sign up.
4. Committee Chairs- Report on current status and future plans
A. Technology projector for gym being reviewed for purchase
B. Penny Drive coming up
C. Bingo prizes and decorations being worked on. Decorations need volunteers from teachers and /or parents.
5. No old Business
6. New Business
A. $200 approved for additional classroom money for speech teacher and counselor
B. PTT 101 Class- Thursday Nov. 10th 3:30pm
C. Classroom party chairperson
D. $2500 made at Book Fair (money was given to teachers)
E. Restaurant night at Carino’s made $28. Pizza King is next and is accepting no coupons. Money will made from pizza only.
7. Meeting Adjourned
A. Next Meeting November 29th at 6:30 pm at Periwinkle

Minutas de la PTT
1 de noviembre del 2011
Asistentes: Cammy Greig, Elisa Stephens, Lacey Chapmen, Erin Cordle, Adrienne Kume, Kim Hiatt, Jill North, Dawn Young, Michelle Eade, Christa Ames, Julie Jones, Rachel Nye, Peggy Lukins, y Jenni Heinen

1. Presidentas- Adrienne Kume & Erin Cordle
A. Llamada de orden para la junta
2. Secretaria- Cammy Greig
A. Minutas provistas del 4 de octubre
B. Presidentas votaron y aprobaron minutas
3. Tesorera- Dawn Young
A. Reporte Actual Financiero- Libros de Entretenimiento hizo aproximadamente $3840.00
B. Breve Resumen del presupuesto- El resumen necesita que la gente lo firme.
4. Diferentes Comités- Reporte del estado actual y planes futuros
A. Proyector de Tecnología para el gimnasio está siendo revisado para la compra
B. Colecta de Centavos por llegar
C. Premios del Bingo y decoraciones están siendo trabajados. Las decoraciones necesitan trabajo voluntario de maestros y/o padres.
5. Ningún Negocio anterior
6. Nuevos Negocios
A. $200 adicionales dinero aprobado del aula para el maestro de habla y el consejero
B. Clase 101 PTT – Jueves 10 de noviembre a las 3:30pm
C. Persona encargada para la fiesta del aula
D. $2500 hechos por la Feria del Libro (el dinero fue entregado a los maestros)
E. La noche de Restaurante en el Carino’s hizo $28. Pizza King es el próximo y no está aceptando cupones. El dinero se hará solo de pizza.
7. Se termino la junta
A. La próxima junta el 29 de noviembre a las 6:30 pm en Periwinkle